10 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month, an important time to raise awareness about the issue of relationship abuse and honor survivors. It’s important to recognize the earliest warning signs of abuse.  Our partner agency, One Love Foundation provides the 🔟 Signs of an Unhealthy Relationship: 🚩🚩

1️⃣ Intensity: When someone expresses extreme feelings and over-the-top behavior that feels overwhelming.

2️⃣ Manipulation: When someone tries to control your decisions, actions, or emotions.

3️⃣ Sabotage: When someone purposely ruins your reputation, achievements, or success.

4️⃣ Guilting: When someone makes you feel responsible for their actions or makes you feel like it’s your job to keep them happy.

5️⃣ Deflecting Responsibility: When someone repeatedly makes excuses for their unhealthy behavior.

6️⃣ Possessiveness: When someone is jealous to a point where they try to control who you spend time with and what you do.

7️⃣ Isolation: When someone keeps you away from friends, family, or other people.

8️⃣ Belittling: When someone does and says things to make you feel bad about yourself.

9️⃣ Volatility: When someone has a really strong, unpredictable reaction that makes you feel scared, confused, or intimidated.

🔟 Betrayal: When someone is disloyal or acts in an intentionally dishonest way.

Through education about these early warning signs, we can help people recognize unhealthy relationships before they escalate to abuse. Raising awareness can empower individuals to seek help and support others in similar situations.

10 Signs of a Healthy & Unhealthy Relationship

What You Can Do
Want to make an impact this month? One Love has NEW 10 Signs materials that you can use to teach others about these warning signs. To learn more, click here.

How to Get Help
If you or someone you know is experiencing unhealthy or abusive warning signs, reach out the the Rainbow House for free and confidential support 24/7 at (715) 735-6656

Rainbow House Agency Mission Statement

We believe: No one deserves to be abused be it emotionally, physically, financially, or sexually. Our prime service is the safety and empowerment of all victims and their children.  We Will: Provide prevention, education, and information to communities, families, and schools.