Thank you, Stephenson National Bank and Trust!

We are so grateful for a $2,500 contribution from Stephenson National Bank and Trust to our agency this year.  Their donation  will go towards keeping our shelter safe and accessible to survivors and their children.   We thank Stephenson National Bank and Trust for their help in keeping our agency doors free from snow this winter.  We are so grateful for all that Stephenson National Bank and Trust does to serve our community. Their volunteerism, contributions, and community engagement make Marinette a great place to live and work.  

Thank you, Loopy’s Bar and Grill in Porterfield!

During Domestic Violence Awareness Month, Loopy’s Bar and Grill in Porterfiend hosted a Bon Jovi cover band fundraiser for our agency!  They auctioned off a guitar as well.  What a successful weekend!  Thank you for supporting our mission.

Equity Hall Volunteers Gary and Jerome along with Ted from Loopy’s Bar and Grill dropped off the check for the winning bid on the signed guitar.